New theme

As you can see, I’m now using Brady Vercher’s Morning Sunshine theme. I renamed the flower image, as I didn’t really like that (might replace it with something at some point) but other that that, I love it. Much more cheerfull that the last theme I used, which matches how I felt back then and how I do now.

I do think I’m going to try and make it a bit wider though.. screw any 800×600 people who happen to come around. 😛

Posted in This blog | 3 Comments

Woa, where is it all coming from?

Spam, I mean.
I understand one would get a spam email once every while. I would understand a few a week, even a few a day. I do not, however, understand how on earth my email adress can get 28 MB of spam spread over a total of more then 1000 emails in little over three weeks. Seriously, who are these idiots that feel they need to waiste all the bandwidth required to send me this just? What do they think they will gain from it? I mean, I don’t read that just, do you?… Didn’t think so.

(Seriously though, I don’t get it. Just to test things, make a new gmail account, do not use it anywhere, not for a single thing, and wait how long it takes before the first spam message gets to you. Whats up there? Are they just sending emails to, or is google leaking our adresses somewhere? I find the second easier to beleave.)

Posted in The Internet | 2 Comments

(Templating || Theming) + PHP == Output Buffering?

For a while now, I’ve been working on a framework that should, ultimatly, allow me to create a website by simply uploading the framework, modules the site needs, run a few installers and thats it. If it needs something I don’t have yet, I would be able to just write a new module without having to worry about things like sessions, users, etc, because the framework does that.
I did a few total rewrites, I’ve been verry unhappy about the way things work several times, but now I feel I’m really getting on my way.
There is just one thing left, really: A theme system. Its not that hard to just make a simple text-replacement system, but that just wouldn’t do. Partially because I want to give the person who makes it full control, so they need to be able to use PHP. And that, right there, makes it kinda hard. The theme/template file has PHP, so it needs to be parsed by the Zend Engine. (Sure, if I would really really really want to, I might be able to get the contents of the file, use a few dozen regular expressions, and be able to do basic PHP that way, but that would take ages to develop, ages to run, and would only allow basic PHP; I want it all.) However, when you do that, everything is outputted to the client (= whatever requested the page) rightaway, which I don’t want. (For several reasons. One being that I might need to set cookies, start sessions, etc after primary output. Another one is: The page title has to be partially set by the running module, but that would mean that the module is responsible for using the templating system, which I don’t want. All it should have to do is $this->engine->template(‘comments’);, and the framework would do everything else.)
Just now, I did find a solution: PHP’s output buffering system.
It wouldn’t be verry hard, I beleave. Consider the following function (as a part of the Framework’s engine class)
public function template( $what )
// The magic of grabbing the right file, executing it
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;

This, right now, seems to be the way to do this. However, I have never worked with PHP’s output buffering, and thus, have no idea if this would actually work as I want it to, how it is on speed / memory usage, etc.
So I gues thats really the point of this blogpost (other then posting. 😛 ), to find out of any of my nonexistant users is could give me some advice on the ob_ functions.

Posted in Programming | 1 Comment

Modern horrors; skinning wordpress

As you may see, I gave skinning this place another try. And as you can also see, I failed, as I now use a premade skin that I altered slightly. (Oh well.. at least I got this skin installed..)
If anybody knows what to add where so I have the x comments under a post on the index as Kudrik / K2 has (the default with the blue header), please leave a comment. 🙂

I would make my own theme if I could, but there are a few reasons why I won’t:

  • I suck at anything graphical, including skinning
  • the WordPress skinning system and I don’t seem to be able to get along
  • Premade things take less time and I’m lazy
  • I really really really can not make decent layouts and stuff anyway; I suck

Yea, that about it…

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