A bunch of things changed in my life recently. Some big changes, other small. The first of these, is the half year internship at GeoTax I started on september first. At GeoTax, they develop software to help municipalities execute a bunch of Dutch laws. My job there is that of software developer. They use a pretty cool enviroment with a lot of new toys for me to play with. (Or one, Oracle. Another is JBoss Application Server.) I’m really enjoying it there – lots of nice and really smart people, a great project to work on. The money is nice too, and I really don’t mind working from 8.30 to 5. What does suck, is that in order to be there at 8.30 I have to leave my house at 7.15, and I’m normally home around 6.10.
Another thing that changed, is that for a few months now, I’v been doing squash. Its a pretty fun game and I’m really feeling better, healthier then I did back when I didn’t do any sports. (Even though since I started at GeoTax I’ve been less active when you look at the total picture – I go there by train, while I used to go to school on my bike, which is a 45 minute drive.) Its strange how two 45 minute sessions a week (which is my goal) can make you feel like you have way more energy.
Between the internship and squashing, I have way less time then I used to. As a result of that, I’m making much less hours at work these days (not that big an issue, as the internship also pays pretty good), I’ve had to cut back on the TV shows I follow (all good shows got cancelled anyway) and I’m reading far less (as in, from a few chapters a day, to one or two a week). I’m also spending much less time online. I don’t read half the articles I would have read if I had the time, and my activity at Zetaboards Support has dropped to an all time low.
Oh, and I have a girlfriend these days. I try to spend what little free time I have with her.